Board of Directors
Public Elected Officials or their designee:
Albey Brock--Chairman
Donnie Patrick--Vice Chairman
Mayor Scott Madon
Mayor Boone Bowling
Mayor Roddy Harrison
Jimmy Bates
Courtney Howard
Steve Allen
Target Sector Representatives:
Michael Jarboe--Sec/Treas.
Coleman Lefevers
Clyde B. Johnson
Joe Humfleet
Joe Hammontree (Alternate)
Steve Silcox
Carl Jones
Cymbre Crisologo
Private Sector Representatives:
Rev. Keith Decker
Don Emmett
Byron West
Brian Good
Matt Turpin
Katelin Zehr
Rebecca Miller (Alternate)
Chris Taylor
Reinhold Henklemann
Bell-Whitley CAA is a private nonprofit organization that administers their programs through a tripartite board. The board fully participates in the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of the programs. The members of the board are selected by entity. At least one-third of the board members must be low-income community representatives (target sector). Another one-third of the members must be elected public officials or their designees. The remaining members may be leaders of business, industry, labor, religious, social welfare or other private groups of the community. The tripartite board structure is fundamental to the Community Action Agency concept and allows the participation of the entire community.